Friday, 31 May 2019


Yesterday someone  famous  came to our school 
it was Alexis pritchard. She  talked about  being brave, kind and courageous.

 Blog you later

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

3,2,1 blast off

On Friday 17th of May room 24,22,25 went to stardom when we got there the guy brought  use to a room to learn about space then we did a quiz  and each team got a iPad it was so mach fun  .The guy take as to the planetarium we he shod as the movie it was so cool it  was a curved screen and when he turn the screen  it looks like we are turning to  us around and it was so fun!

Thursday, 16 May 2019

This is my bag that I made it was so much fun and it take lost of time in the bag but we are going to 
take them to mars  and on my DLO they had the things  in your bag to take to mars 

Friday, 10 May 2019

Here is my DLO  there are all different thing to take to mars and write to mars
it is so mach fun . You well love it.   


Thursday, 2 May 2019

v.r session

Yesterday we did V.R that stands for (virtual reality.
I didn't really like the virtual reality because it was scary for me.
what I did when I didnt do virtual reality-I helped Rachel with the notices and paperwork
here are some videos-