Friday, 29 May 2020

story bored about Bradley

Hi everyone today i have a story broad about Bradley .
Here it is . Thank you for reading  

Friday, 22 May 2020

What i now about Bradly Chalkers

This week we have been reading a new book called there's a boy in the girls bathroom . The main charter in the book is Bradly Chalkers .We made a charter web about him here is the photo. also in this photo there are some facts about Bradly Chalkers.
have your class been reading this? 
and i will see you in my next post BYE!

Monday, 4 May 2020


Hi everybody  2 weeks ago miss mills  told as to make some thing out of rubbish and i forgot to show you  guys.So here it is !!!!!!! what we used is Cannes,  a old blanket , and my puppy's old leash. what things did you made during Lock down? BLOG YOU LATER .